Palakit at the Phra Nang Cave on Railay Beach in Krabi Province
Origin of Palakit
Palakit originated in India and relate to the Hindu god Shiva, who is usually represented by Shiva Linga. They were brought to Southeast Asia via the Cham people and remained in the region ever since. The Chinese concept called Yang is similar, where Shiva is represented abstractly in the form of Linga (male genitalia). Sometimes the linga are accompanied by Yoni (female genitalia). Together, the linga and yoni symbolize unity and the powers of creation and destruction.
The Palakit, as a phallic representation of Shiva, is also an animistic symbol of fertility. It is not uncommon in Thailand to see a penis amulet hanging on a convenience store or a restaurant, or even being sold by old women on the street. Although outsiders may regard these as offensive, ordinary Thais are deeply superstitious and lucky charms and talismans are still regarded as important.
Palakit can be made from wood, metal, bone, horn or ivory, and they are created by monks who specialize in them. Engraving the sacred inscriptions is an important ritual and can take many days to complete. Cast metal palakit do not always have these inscriptions, but they may have animal symbols.
Palakit amulets must be empowered by the repetition of incantations, which Thais call 'Katha Bucha', derived from the Devanagari 'Ghata Pooja'. The incantations depend on the creator's lineage in each school of traditional non-Buddhist animist magic. Katha Bucha Palakit would commonly be a four syllable heart Mantra (Katha Hua Jai), such as 'Ganha Neha' and 'Na Ma Pa Ta', or, 'Ja Pa Ga Sa'
Palakit are usually worn by males on a cord around their waist under the clothes and off-center from the real penis. It is not unusual for a male to wear many palakits at the same time, in the hope to attract women, increase gambling luck and protection from dangerous objects such as bullets and knives.
At times, women in Thailand also carry it in their purses to protect them from rape and mugging. Shop owners display them in their shops or in the cash register area to protect their business and also bring good luck and sales. A notable feature of this type of amulet is it can be worn in places considered as lowly or unclean such as bars, gambling casinos and brothels.
Normally, you cannot bring a Buddhist amulet inside such establishments.
Introduction of Palakit
These are some of our "Archara Thailand Amulet" Collection
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Luang Phu Leua - Wat Saao Cha Ngok
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(Bangkok Big Competition First Price Winning)
One of the Palakit made by Luang Phor Leua - Wat Saao Cha Ngok
He and Luang Phor Yi - Wat Sha Thabah both studied under Luang Phor Klik learning many sacred sciences including higher level meditation. In fact Luang Phor Klik was famous himself for the creation of Phra Pitda and Palakit.
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One of the Palakit made by Luang Phor Klik - Wat Saao Cha Ngok
Master of Luang Phu Luea and Luang Phor Yi
For many years Luang Phu Leua practiced in the style of an aesthetic monk, spending his time in forests, caves and cremation grounds, ideal places for developing meditation practice.
He would follow or accompany Luang Phor Parn - Wat Mongkol Khotawas, Luang Phor Jeen - Wat Talarder, and Luang Phor Dum - Wat Kot, all of whom taught him sacred sciences.
He would follow or accompany Luang Phor Parn - Wat Mongkol Khotawas, Luang Phor Jeen - Wat Talarder, and Luang Phor Dum - Wat Kot, all of whom taught him sacred sciences.
Luang Phor Parn for example had many other famous disciples including Luang Phor Nok - Wat Sangkasi, famous for his tiger tooth amulets, who later became a very close friend and one of the monks that imparted knowledge to create Palakit.
After he had assimilated as much as possible from these and many other great teachers he returned to Wat Saao Cha Ngok where he was to create many sacred amulets himself including tarkuts and phayant which were given to soldiers during the Indochinese War during B.E.2483-2484.
In fact so efficacious were his amulets those that wore them were seldom injured and became known as Ghost Soldiers . Today Luang Phu Leua is best known for his Palakit which are thought to be among the very best.
His Palakit are made from a variety of woods including, Mai Koon, Mai Dumdong, Mai Cha-om and were often inscribed with the sacred katha "Gunha Nay Ha" and "U".
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Luang Phu Leua - Wat Saao Cha Ngok
Palakit Phim Hua Jing Chok.
In combat or conflict, hang Luang Phor Leua's palakit to the front of the body.
To avoid danger or enemies, hang the palakit to the back of the body.
To increase good fortune, hang the palakit to the right side of the body.
To increase charm or attractiveness, hang the palakit to the left side of the body.
In addition:
It is a blessing if you have the chance to have these two monks make holy items by themselves especially palakit made by them. Nowadays are getting more and more harder to find their palakit as most Thais do not want to give out.
Luang Phut Leua's palakit can prevent all kind of disasters, such as hedging, preventing evil spirits and demon from invading, villain, anti-animal attack, top popularity in all sort of relationship, and increase of wisdom. This holy palakit could also do not invade and can be worn in any place. Sincere worship can induce a positive magnetic field.
Luang Phor Pinak, was born in Amper Tatan Janwad Utthaitani on the 1st of March 2456 (1913) and was ordained in the year 2481 under Luang Phu Sin (A senior monk in the province with over 70 pansas/years of monkhood) in Wat Nong Tao also in Utthaitani, he was 25 years of age. After passing his pali and Buddistic exams he moved on to Wat Patsutawa Janwad Sarkon Nakorn where he would meet his main preceptor Luang Pu Mun Buritatoe and would follow him for the next 42 years in tudong (forest monkhood).
Luang Phor Pinak - Wat Sanamlao
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Palad Hua Chamod make by Luang Phor Pinak
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Palad Hua Chamod make by Luang Phor Pinak
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Some of the Palakit make by Luang Phor Pinak
Phra Ya Wanno Palad
Luang Phor Ler - Wat Gon Cha Ngok
Luang Phor Ler - Wat Gon Cha Ngok. He is quite famous in the Thai magical world that is well-known in various countries. Luang Phor Ler learned meditation and ancient authentic making Tarkut wicha from the famous monk - Luang Phu Salat in Ayutthaya. In BE 2553, when Luang Phor Ler was invited to the Wat Pradoosongtam Blessing Opening Ceremony in Ayutthaya, when the Luang Phor Ler was meditating and blessing, the water in the pottery in front of him kept spinning around for a while and out of sudden the bowl broken on the spot, and all the devotees had seen and this incidents was published in the magazine of Thailand.
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Luang Phor Ler hand make Palad Chom Na Seau
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BE2554 Silver with 2 ruby eyes, inserted Tarkut & Kring
Code no:2 (very rare) Length 6.5cm
Estimated Market Price: SGD900 - SGD1100
Estimated Thai Market Price : BAHT 22000 - BAHT 25000(For Sharing Only) (仅用于共享)
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Inserted Tarkut & Kring
BE2554 Length 5cm
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inserted Tarkut & Kring
BE2554 Length 5cm
Luang Phor Ler is very attentive on making holy items. Each items was written by himself while chanting and writing katha. This Palad Chom Na Seau is one and only one piece make by him and was use during one of his Waikru ceremony. Fully hand crafted by himself and the beautiful of colouring, hand crafted yant kru.
Luang Phu Tim - Wat Lahan Rai
Luang Phu Tim was born in Ban Hua Tunnttabuon, Tambon Laharn, Ampher Bannkaii, Chengwat Rayong. His name is Tim, family name is Ngamsii and he was born in the year of the Rabbit, on 16 June BE2422. Luang Phu Tim was a strict practitioner of the Dhamma. For 50 years Luang Phu Tim would always take his meal at 7 am and his afternoon tea at 4 pm and he was also a vegetarian. Luang Phu Tim passes away on 18 October BE2518 and he was in the Sangha for 72 years.
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One of the rare palakit make by Luang Phu Tim - Wat Lahan Rai
Base with code No.3 Year, BE 2517
Estimated Market Price: SGD800 - SGD1100
Estimated Thai Market Price : BAHT 19000 - BAHT 25000
Luang Phu Tim used to create Phong Prai Guman powder followed very ancient ways, which only a few monks had the knowledge to create successfully. He is well known in making Phra Khun Paen by using the Phong Prai Guman powder but in the same time, he were also make a lot of others holy items which Palakit are also one of the holy items his devotees would want to have one.
These are some of the great master collection of Palakit
Luang Phu Soh - Wat Bak Kong Mang Ko
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BE2472 Length 7cm
Estimated Market Price: SGD800 - SGD1000
Estimated Thai Market Price : BAHT 19000 - BAHT 24000
Luang Phu Nai - Wat Bung Jeng
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BE 2517 Length 7.5cm.
Estimated Market Price: SGD900 - SGD1200
Estimated Thai Market Price : BAHT 21000 - BAHT 27000
Lp Fak - Wat Nikom Prachasan
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BE 2518 Length 7.5cm
Estimated Market Price: SGD900 - SGD1500
Estimated Thai Market Price : BAHT 21000 - BAHT 34000
Luang Phor Kang - Wat Indrawat
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Palakit Phim Sorng Tone (rare)
BE 2529
Length 7.5cm
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BE2529 Length 3cm
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BE2528 Length 4cm
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(Made of acrylic inserted tarkut) Length 5.5cm
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BE2516 Earlier batch with tarkut (very rare)
Length 7cm
Estimated Market Price: SGD500 - SGD800
Estimated Thai Market Price : BAHT 11000 - BAHT 18000
Luang Phor Kong - Wat Wang Suppa Rod
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BE 2515 Height 8cm
Estimated Market Price: SGD500 - SGD800
Estimated Thai Market Price : BAHT 11000 - BAHT 18000
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BE 2530 Length 8cm
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Palakit Na Ning (Monkey head) BE2519
Length 9cm
Estimated Market Price: SGD500 - SGD900
Estimated Thai Market Price : BAHT 11000 - BAHT 20000
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BE2517 Length 15cm
Estimated Market Price: SGD600 - SGD900
Estimated Thai Market Price : BAHT 13000 - BAHT 20000
Luang Phor Yit - Wat Nongjok
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BE 2518 (First batch) Length 6cm
Estimated Market Price: SGD300 - SGD550
Estimated Thai Market Price : BAHT 7000 - BAHT 12000(For Sharing Only) (仅用于共享)
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BE 2520 (earlier batch) Length 7.5cm
Estimated Market Price: SGD300 - SGD550
Estimated Thai Market Price : BAHT 7000 - BAHT 12000
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BE 2535 Made out of Thousand years Lampaya black teak wood
Width 10cm x Height 15cm
Estimated Market Price: SGD600 - SGD950
Estimated Thai Market Price : BAHT 13000 - BAHT 22000
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BE2519 Palakit Phim Leak Roon Lak (first batch) Length 4cm
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BE2536 Made of airplane alloy
Archan Chum Chaikiri
Archan Chum was born in BE2450 (1907) in a family of Military Soldiers. He is the great grandchild of Khun Chaikiri (Khun mean nobility). Khun Chaikiri was a Khao Or disciple who helped Phraya Chuattukaraj, the governor of Phatthalung Province to protect Phatthalung Province and Southern Thailand from an invasion of Myanmar army about 250 years ago.
At a young age, Archan Chum had an immense interest in magic and studied magic from his father and family. When he was 5 years old he can cast a spell to hypnotize poisonous snake to stop it from opening its mouth, as well as shutting the dog’s mouth so that the dog can't bite.
In Bangkok, Archan Chum opened a Wicha School of Magic (Samnak Kunjae Saiyasak) where he taught his students on Maha Ut and Kongkapan. During the peak, he had more than 100,000 students. Archan Chum recorded all the initiated students names in a large log book as a prove of authenticity of discipleship and to track anyone who misbehave or misuse the wicha he taught.
Luang Phor Yeam, was born on Jan 5th 1915, “Yaem Dejmak”, the son of Mr. Yhaem and Mrs. Wongse Dejmak. He was born at 42 Moo 4, Dontoom Sub-district, Banglen District, Nakhorn Pathom.
He entered the monkhood on the 2nd May, 1938 at the principal monastery of Wat Sam Ngam, officiated by the Luang Phu Utarakarnbodi (Sook Pathumwasano) of Wat Huay Jorakhe, Luang Phor Tae Kongthong of Wat Sam Ngam and the Luang Phor Petch.
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Palakit - Make in Wat Kao Or BE2519
Length 3cm
Length 3cm
Luang Phor Yeam - Wat Sam Ngam
Luang Phor Yeam, was born on Jan 5th 1915, “Yaem Dejmak”, the son of Mr. Yhaem and Mrs. Wongse Dejmak. He was born at 42 Moo 4, Dontoom Sub-district, Banglen District, Nakhorn Pathom.
He entered the monkhood on the 2nd May, 1938 at the principal monastery of Wat Sam Ngam, officiated by the Luang Phu Utarakarnbodi (Sook Pathumwasano) of Wat Huay Jorakhe, Luang Phor Tae Kongthong of Wat Sam Ngam and the Luang Phor Petch.
Luang Phor Yaem is a highly revered and respected monk for his powerful mind that is developed from meditation and mantra, ancient astrology, traditional medicine, magic drawing and incantation, and his amulets. He had been invited to many temples in Nakhon Pathom to be part of the blessing ceremonies. He is also the disciple of Luang Phor Tae - Wat Sam Ngan.
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(For Sharing Only) (仅用于共享)
Palakit BE 2552
Made of megapat Length 3.5cm.
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